A frequent traveler books a hotel room at the last minute. A few clicks on a smart device, an option is found, bonus points are applied, and the reservation confirmed. Upon arrival, the guest checks in via a mobile app, bypassing the long line at the registration desk; the same app unlocks the door. Inside the room, a beverage of choice is chilling, the heat is set to just the right temperature and the television is tuned to a preferred station.
While the hospitality industry aspires to deliver this level of seamless, convenient and personalized service, most players have a long way to go. That said, the stakes surrounding service quality couldn’t be higher. In a brutally competitive environment, one bad experience can translate into a lost customer. A website or online booking platform that’s slow, confusing, or that steers a visitor in circles can easily be abandoned for an alternative. And if that alternative is faster, easier to navigate and more engaging, the invidious comparison will make a lasting impression.
Most hospitality enterprises today are in a “walk before you run” mode; specifically, before thinking about platinum-level, individualized service across the hotel value chain, they need to focus on the operational basics of reliability, consistency and integration. These foundational elements are essential to maintaining service quality levels needed to compete today, as well as enabling the innovative features that will increasingly characterize the hotel experience of the future.